Depois de muito esperar, chegou a época de colher. No
entanto, as colheitas têm sido feitas aos poucos, ao longo dos dias. Apesar de,
este ano, tudo ter sido feito tardiamente devido ao mau tempo no Inverno e na
Primavera, não nos podemos queixar da qualidade dos produtos.
A primeira colheita foi das courgettes. A produção foi
pouca, mas são tão boas como as do ano passado.
After long waiting, time to harvest has come. However, harvest has been made gradually over the course of days. Although, this year, everything is being done late due to bad weather in winter and spring, we cannot complain about the quality of the products.
First thing to harvest was Courgette. Production was little, but their taste is as good as last year.
After long waiting, time to harvest has come. However, harvest has been made gradually over the course of days. Although, this year, everything is being done late due to bad weather in winter and spring, we cannot complain about the quality of the products.
First thing to harvest was Courgette. Production was little, but their taste is as good as last year.
Seguiu-se a colheita das batatas. Definitivamente, o ano de
2013 foi muito pouco generoso. A produção foi bem menor do que em 2012. O
excelente sabor é que parece manter-se.
Potato harvest came next. 2013 was definitely very ungenerous. Production was much lower than in 2012; however, veggies seem to keep their excellent taste.
Potato harvest came next. 2013 was definitely very ungenerous. Production was much lower than in 2012; however, veggies seem to keep their excellent taste.
Na época certa veio a Uva Dona Maria…tão doce!! Ficámos
muito contentes com a colheita.
White grapes came at the right sweet!! We're very happy with this harvest.
White grapes came at the right sweet!! We're very happy with this harvest.
Colhemos também Feijão Verde, mas este não foi um bom ano.
Apesar de haver em abundância as vagens rapidamente se tornam fibrosas. A
vizinhança queixa-se do mesmo. A solução foi tirar o feijão das vagens e usá-lo
para cozer na sopa. Aí sim, ficou saboroso.
Esta é
também a época de outros produtos que colhemos em pequenas quantidades como
Cebola, Alho Francês, Abóbora e Abóbora Cabaça.
We also picked runner beans, but this was not a good year. Although there's plenty, the pods quickly become fibrous. Our neighboors complain about the same. The solution was to take the beans out of the pods and use them to cook in the soup. Tasty!
This is also the season for other products we harvest in small quantities like onion, leek and pumpkin.
We also picked runner beans, but this was not a good year. Although there's plenty, the pods quickly become fibrous. Our neighboors complain about the same. The solution was to take the beans out of the pods and use them to cook in the soup. Tasty!
This is also the season for other products we harvest in small quantities like onion, leek and pumpkin.
As Meloas também deram em pouca quantidade em relação ao ano
passado, mas por outro lado estão mais doces.
Melons also came in small quantites compared to last year, but on the other hand are sweeter.
Melons also came in small quantites compared to last year, but on the other hand are sweeter.
Colhemos tomate e ficámos muito surpreendidos pela positiva.
O sabor é muito agradável e suave e não têm acidez nenhuma. Parece que a nossa
terra, por ser ligeiramente alcalina, acaba por balancear o grau de acidez das
culturas, o que é óptimo!
We picked tomato and were very surprised on the upside. The taste is very nice and smooth and have no acidity whatsoever. It seems that our land, being slightly alkaline, ends up balancing the acidity of the crops, which is great!
We picked tomato and were very surprised on the upside. The taste is very nice and smooth and have no acidity whatsoever. It seems that our land, being slightly alkaline, ends up balancing the acidity of the crops, which is great!
Aguardamos agora pelo amadurecimento de outras culturas. O
Melão parece estar quase, assim como as Couves de Bruxelas e a Abóbora Menina.
We're now waiting for other crops to mature. Melon seems to be almost ready as well as Brussel's sprouts and pumpkin.
We're now waiting for other crops to mature. Melon seems to be almost ready as well as Brussel's sprouts and pumpkin.
Setembro é também a época dos Figos. Colhemos Figos Pretos.
São bem docinhos, mas por serem pequenos decidimos usar a maior parte para fazer
compota. E ficou mesmo uma delicia!
September is also the time of figs. We picked black figs. They're pretty sweet, but because there wasn't plenty of them we decided to use most part to make jam. And it was a delight!
September is also the time of figs. We picked black figs. They're pretty sweet, but because there wasn't plenty of them we decided to use most part to make jam. And it was a delight!
O Milho foi novidade na horta este ano e as maçarocas já foram colhidas. Abrimos umas para
experimentar…e não é que são mesmo boas!! Grelhadas, barradas com manteiga e
alho, que delícia!
Corn is new in our garden and the corn cobs have already been collected. We've tried some...and they're really good!! Grilled, spread with butter and garlic, what a delight!
Corn is new in our garden and the corn cobs have already been collected. We've tried some...and they're really good!! Grilled, spread with butter and garlic, what a delight!
Apesar de este estar a ser um ano difícil no que à
agricultura diz respeito, fazemos um balanço positivo das colheitas. Esta é a
melhor parte de se ter uma horta. Depois do esforço, do risco, da espera e dos
gastos, quando chega a hora de colher é maravilhoso ter a cozinha cheia de
coisas boas e saudáveis.
Depois de tantos anos a consumir produtos de agricultura convencional,
redescobrir os verdadeiros sabores através da agricultura biológica é uma surpresa
constante. Os aromas e paladares são inigualáveis!
Esta é, de facto, uma evidência de que a saúde e o respeito
pela Natureza são muito mais importantes do que produzir em grandes quantidades
visando o lucro.
Se todos tivermos o cuidado de proteger o meio ambiente, todos
sairemos a ganhar…muitas vezes até de maneiras que nem imaginamos.
Although this has been a difficult year for farming, we make a positive review of the harvest. This is the best part of having a vegetable garden. After the effort, the risk, the waiting and the expenses, when it's time to harvest it's wonderful to have the kitchen full of good healthy things.
After so many years consuming conventional farming products, to rediscover the true flavours through organic farming is a constant surprise. The aromas and palate are second to none!
This is, in fact, evidence that health and respect for nature are far more important than producing in large quantities for profit.
If we are careful to protect the environment, we'll all gain, often in ways we could never imagine.
Although this has been a difficult year for farming, we make a positive review of the harvest. This is the best part of having a vegetable garden. After the effort, the risk, the waiting and the expenses, when it's time to harvest it's wonderful to have the kitchen full of good healthy things.
After so many years consuming conventional farming products, to rediscover the true flavours through organic farming is a constant surprise. The aromas and palate are second to none!
This is, in fact, evidence that health and respect for nature are far more important than producing in large quantities for profit.
If we are careful to protect the environment, we'll all gain, often in ways we could never imagine.
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