Por ser época de proliferação de
pragas, as culturas têm de ser protegidas. Existem muitas receitas biológicas
para acabar com pulgões, lagartas, cochonilhas e companhia. Bichos que se
alimentam da seiva e das folhas de vários tipos de plantas. Já fizémos várias vezes calda de sabão e óleo vegetal por ser muito boa para a protecção da horta e do pomar.
Update: Vejam os nossos posts e videos mais recentes onde mostramos como fazer receitas biológicas para combater pragas. Calda de Sabão de Coco e Calda de Cebola.
Because it's time of pest proliferation, crops must be protected. There are many natural recipes to kill aphids, caterpillars, mealybugs, and so on. Creatures that feed on sap and leaves of several types of plants. We have made several times soap and vegetable oil spray for being a very good one to protect both garden and orchard.
Update: Watch our most recent posts and videos where we show how to make organic recipes againts pests. Coconut Soapy Water and Onion Bug Spray.
Update: Vejam os nossos posts e videos mais recentes onde mostramos como fazer receitas biológicas para combater pragas. Calda de Sabão de Coco e Calda de Cebola.
Because it's time of pest proliferation, crops must be protected. There are many natural recipes to kill aphids, caterpillars, mealybugs, and so on. Creatures that feed on sap and leaves of several types of plants. We have made several times soap and vegetable oil spray for being a very good one to protect both garden and orchard.
Update: Watch our most recent posts and videos where we show how to make organic recipes againts pests. Coconut Soapy Water and Onion Bug Spray.
A calda actua nas vias respiratórias do insectos. O sabão seca-os e o óleo
asfixia-os. É natural e não danifica as plantas nem é nocivo para
quem faz a pulverização.
This mixture acts on the respiratory tract of the insects. The soap dries and the oil suffocates them. It is natural and does not damage the plants, nor is it harmful to the person who sprays it.
This mixture acts on the respiratory tract of the insects. The soap dries and the oil suffocates them. It is natural and does not damage the plants, nor is it harmful to the person who sprays it.
É necessário aplicar, em média,
de duas em duas semanas…sim, porque os bichos são «mais que as mães»!!
On average, it's necessary to apply every two weeks...oh never-ending bugs!!
On average, it's necessary to apply every two weeks...oh never-ending bugs!!
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