Duas semanas depois das cheias a ribeira corre de mansinho. É tão bom ouvir o som da água!
Two weeks after the floods, the stream runs smoothly. It's so good to hear the sound of water!
Two weeks after the floods, the stream runs smoothly. It's so good to hear the sound of water!
Parece que é agora que podemos
começar a organizar a horta. Não se prevê chuva para os próximos dias. Uma vez
que ainda há áreas em que o solo está saturado de água, temos de escolher
bem os sítios para fazer os canteiros.
It seems we're finally able to start organizing the garden. No rain is expected for the next few days.
There're still areas where the soil is saturated, so we have to choose carefully the sites to prepare the garden beds.
It seems we're finally able to start organizing the garden. No rain is expected for the next few days.
There're still areas where the soil is saturated, so we have to choose carefully the sites to prepare the garden beds.
Depois de nivelar a terra fazemos
as covinhas para receber os pequenos legumes que cresceram nos viveiros.
After leveling the soil surface we make small holes to transplant the seedlings from the nursery into the garden bed.
After leveling the soil surface we make small holes to transplant the seedlings from the nursery into the garden bed.
Transplantação de
Onion transplant
Transplantação de
Couves de Bruxelas
Brussel sprout transplant
Brussel sprout transplant
O sistema de crescimento em viveiros
é o mais indicado para uma grande variedade de vegetais, pois permite o seu desenvolvimento
num ambiente minimamente protegido das intempéries e dos animais. Permite
também um maior aproveitamento das sementes e, possivelmente, uma maior
produção. Vamos ver como é que estas miniaturas se portam em pleno ar livre.
Growing in nurseries is best suited for a wide variety of plants, as it allows their development in an environment protected against the elements and animals. It also allows a better use of the seeds and, possibly, a greater production. Let's see how these miniatures behave outdoors.
Growing in nurseries is best suited for a wide variety of plants, as it allows their development in an environment protected against the elements and animals. It also allows a better use of the seeds and, possibly, a greater production. Let's see how these miniatures behave outdoors.
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