A Primavera pode estar hesitante,
mas as flores sabem que chegou a hora de desabrochar. Um pouco por todo o lado
surgem plantas de várias cores e tamanhos. Lindas e misteriosas, compõem a
flora espontânea da época. Após alguns passeios nos arredores da horta e do olival
encontrámos um sem fim de espécies. As fotografias foram tiradas em dias diferentes ao longo dos quais fizémos várias pesquisas sobre botânica para vos dar a conhecer um pouco de algumas plantas. Aqui vai o que conseguimos descobrir!
Spring might be hesitant but flowers know when time to blossom has come. Here and there, one can see new plants of several sizes and colours. Beautiful and mysterious, they make the spontaneous flora of the season. After walking around the garden and the olive grove we found countless species. Over several days we took pictures and researched on botany. Here's what we found out!
Anacamptis pyramidalis
Familia: Orchidaceae
Nome comum: Orquídea-piramidal,
Para preparar a horta temos de retirar
as ervas e remexer a terra. Ao encontrar esta flor tão bonita tivemos pena de
destruí-la e colocámo-la num vaso. É provável que dure menos tempo do que no
chão, mas sempre vai enfeitando o jardim.
Esta orquídea é nativa do sudoeste da Eurásia. Encontra-se numa vasta área desde a Europa Ocidental através do Mediterrâneo até ao Irão.
Family: Orchidaceae
Common name: Pyramidal orchid
To prepare the land for agriculture we need to remove the weeds. When we found this beautiful flower we thought it was a pity to destroy it, so we picked it and kept it in a vase. Probably won't last long but for a few days it will adorn the garden.
This orchid is native to southwestern Eurasia. It can be found in a wide area from western Europe through the Mediterranean region eastwards to Iran.
Anchusa azurea
Família: Boraginaceae
Nome Comum: Buglossa , Língua-de-vaca, Borragem-bastarda, Erva-do-fígado,
Erva-sangue, Orcaneta
Esta espécie é nativa da Europa, Ásia Ocidental e Magreb Oriental.
Embora seja selvagem, vários cultivares foram seleccionados para uso de jardim.
Sob sol pleno tornam-se muito brilhantes.
Family: Boraginaceae
Common name: Garden anchusa, Italian bugloss and Bugloss
This species is native to Europe, western Asia and eastern Maghreb (Northwest Africa).
Although it's a wild plant, it's also a cultivar that has been selected for garden use.
Under full sunlight the flowers become very bright.
Family: Boraginaceae
Common name: Garden anchusa, Italian bugloss and Bugloss
This species is native to Europe, western Asia and eastern Maghreb (Northwest Africa).
Although it's a wild plant, it's also a cultivar that has been selected for garden use.
Under full sunlight the flowers become very bright.
Arum italicum
Família: Araceae
Nome Comum: Jarro-do-campo,
Arrebenta-boi, Bigalhó, Candeia, Erva-da-novidade, Jairo, Jaro, Jarro-bravo, Sapintina,
Esta espécie é nativa da Europa e em algumas zonas pode ser invasiva.
Também é cultivada como planta ornamental em jardins tradicionais.
Family: Araceae
Common name: Italian Arum and Italian Lords-and-Ladies
This species is native to Europe and in some areas it can be invasive.
It's also cultivated as an ornamental plant for traditional gardens.
Family: Araceae
Common name: Italian Arum and Italian Lords-and-Ladies
This species is native to Europe and in some areas it can be invasive.
It's also cultivated as an ornamental plant for traditional gardens.
Chrysanthemum coronarium
Familia: Asteraceae
Nome comum: Malmequer, Pampilho vulgar, Pimpilho
Nativa de Portugal e toda a região Mediterrânea, mas também cultivada na Ásia e América do Norte.
As partes verdes desta planta são utilizadas na culinária asiática.
Familiy: Asteraceae
Common name: Garland Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum Greens, Chop Suey Green, Edible Chrysanthemum, Crown Daisy, and Japanese-Green
Native to Portugal and the Mediterranean region but also cultivated in east Asia and North America. The greens of this plant are used in Asian cuisine.
As partes verdes desta planta são utilizadas na culinária asiática.
Familiy: Asteraceae
Common name: Garland Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum Greens, Chop Suey Green, Edible Chrysanthemum, Crown Daisy, and Japanese-Green
Native to Portugal and the Mediterranean region but also cultivated in east Asia and North America. The greens of this plant are used in Asian cuisine.
Cistus albidus
Familia: Cistaceae
Nome comum: Roselha-grande,
Roselha, Roselha-maior
Nativa da Europa do Sul e Magrebe.
Family: Cistaceae
Common name: Grey-leaved cistus
Native to southern Europe and the Maghreb.
Nativa da Europa do Sul e Magrebe.
Family: Cistaceae
Common name: Grey-leaved cistus
Native to southern Europe and the Maghreb.
Convolvulus althaeoides
Família: Convolvulaceae
Nome Comum: Corriola-rosada, Campaínhas
Esta flor é nativa da bacia do
Mediterrâneo, mas é vista ocasionalmente em outras áreas de clima semelhante,
como a Califórnia, onde foi introduzida.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Common name: Mallow bindweed and Mallow-leaved bindweed
This plant is native to the Mediterranean basin but occasionally seen in other areas of similar climate, such as California in the USA.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Common name: Mallow bindweed and Mallow-leaved bindweed
This plant is native to the Mediterranean basin but occasionally seen in other areas of similar climate, such as California in the USA.
Família: Asteraceae
Taraxacum é um género botânico que engloba muitas espécies, incluindo a flor "Dente-de-leão", que é uma espécie com propriedades medicinais.
Cresce espontaneamente nas regiões temperadas do planeta.
Family: Asteraceae
Family: Asteraceae
Taraxacum is a botanical genus that encompasses many species, including the "Dandelion" flower, which is a species with medicinal properties.
It grows spontaneously in the temperate regions of the planet.
Oxalis pes-caprae
Família: Oxalidaceae
Nome Comum: Azeda, Erva-azeda-amarela, Santas-noites, Trevo-azedo,
Erva-canária, Erva-pata, Amendoim-bravo, Azedinha-amarela, Azedinha-pé-de-cabra,
Erva-praga, Sardinha-fresca, Trevinho
Oriunda da África do Sul, é uma
espécie invasora e erva daninha em muitas outras partes do mundo, incluindo os
Estados Unidos, Europa, Israel e
Curiosidade: Oxalis pes-caprae é chamada de
Azeda devido ao seu sabor amargo agradável comum. Esta acidez é causada pelo
elevado teor de ácido oxálico. Em quantidades modestas é
razoavelmente inofensivo aos seres humanos e animais.
Na África do Sul é um
ingrediente tradicional em pratos como aswaterblommetjiebredie
(flor ensopado de água).
A planta tem sido usada de
várias maneiras como uma fonte de ácido oxálico tanto na comida como na medicina
tradicional. No entanto, em elevadas quantidades é tóxico, tanto que as pétalas
de ouro podem ser usadas para produzir um corante amarelo.
Family: Oxalidaceae
Common name: Bermuda buttercup, African wood-sorrel, Bermuda sorrel, Buttercup oxalis, Cape sorrel, English weed, Goat's foot, Sourgrass, Soursob, and Soursop
It's native to South Africa but it's also an invasive species in other parts of the world like the USA (particularly coastal California), Europe, Israel and Australia.
Curiosity: Oxalis pes-caprae is also called Sourgrass due to its pleasant sour flavour. Its sourness is caused by the high content of oxalic acid. In modest quantities it's harmless to humans and animals.
Actually, it is a traditional ingredient in South African cuisine.
This plant has been used as a source of oxalic acid both in food and in folk medicine. However, in high quantities it's noxious and its golden petals can be used to produce a yellow dye.
Family: Oxalidaceae
Common name: Bermuda buttercup, African wood-sorrel, Bermuda sorrel, Buttercup oxalis, Cape sorrel, English weed, Goat's foot, Sourgrass, Soursob, and Soursop
It's native to South Africa but it's also an invasive species in other parts of the world like the USA (particularly coastal California), Europe, Israel and Australia.
Curiosity: Oxalis pes-caprae is also called Sourgrass due to its pleasant sour flavour. Its sourness is caused by the high content of oxalic acid. In modest quantities it's harmless to humans and animals.
Actually, it is a traditional ingredient in South African cuisine.
This plant has been used as a source of oxalic acid both in food and in folk medicine. However, in high quantities it's noxious and its golden petals can be used to produce a yellow dye.
Familia: Boraginaceae
Nome comum: Miosótis, Flor Não-Me-Esqueças
provável que seja nativa da Europa e Ásia, mas pode ser vista em grande parte
do hemisfério norte e até mesmo na Nova Zelândia.
aproximadamente 50 espécies do género, com muita
Curiosidade: Há várias lendas engraçadas associadas à origem do seu nome
Uma lenda alemã diz que Deus nomeou todas as plantas, quando
um minúsculo sem nome gritou: "Não me esqueças, ó Senhor!" Deus
respondeu: "Isso será o teu nome".
Na Alemanha do século XV, era suposto os portadores da
flor não serem esquecidos pelos seus amantes. Diz a lenda que, em tempos
medievais, um cavaleiro e sua esposa estavam a caminhar à beira de um rio. Ele
pegou num ramalhete de flores, mas por causa do peso da sua armadura, caiu no
rio. Ao afogar-se lançou as flores à sua amada e gritou "Não me esqueças!".
Estas flores foram muitas vezes usadas por senhoras como um sinal de fidelidade
e amor duradouro.
Em algumas
partes do mundo estas flores ainda são usadas para lembrar pessoas que já
partiram como símbolo de que pode ter ido mas não foi esquecido.
Family: Boraginaceae
Common name: Forget-me-not or Scorpion grass
There are dozens, if not hundreds, of species of this flower and it's probably native to Europe. However, it can be seen in most part of the northern hemisphere and even in New Zealand where 40 local species have been confirmed.
Curiosity: There are several interesting legends related to this flower.
On legend has it that God named all plants, when a tiny unnamed one cried out: "Forget-me-not, O Lord!". God replied: "That shall be your name.".
Another legend has it that in medieval times, a knight and is loved lady were walking along a river. He picked a posy of flowers, but because of the weight of his armour he fell into the river. As he was drowning he threw the posy to his loved one and shouted "Forget-me-not!".
There are many other legends and stories and, in some parts of the world, these flowers are still used to remember those who have died as a symbol that they may be gone but not forgotten.
Family: Boraginaceae
Common name: Forget-me-not or Scorpion grass
There are dozens, if not hundreds, of species of this flower and it's probably native to Europe. However, it can be seen in most part of the northern hemisphere and even in New Zealand where 40 local species have been confirmed.
Curiosity: There are several interesting legends related to this flower.
On legend has it that God named all plants, when a tiny unnamed one cried out: "Forget-me-not, O Lord!". God replied: "That shall be your name.".
Another legend has it that in medieval times, a knight and is loved lady were walking along a river. He picked a posy of flowers, but because of the weight of his armour he fell into the river. As he was drowning he threw the posy to his loved one and shouted "Forget-me-not!".
There are many other legends and stories and, in some parts of the world, these flowers are still used to remember those who have died as a symbol that they may be gone but not forgotten.
Muscari comosum
Família: Asparagaceae
Nome Comum: Cebolinho-de-flor-azul, Jacinto-de-tapete, Jacinto-paniculato, Jacinto-das-searas
É encontrada em terreno rochoso e
áreas cultivadas, tais como plantações de milho e vinhas, no sudeste da Europa,
Turquia e Irão. Naturaliza facilmente e pode tornar-se invasiva. Na Itália e na Grécia, o seu bulbo é uma iguaria culinária.
Family: Asparagaceae
Common name: Tassel hyacinth and Tassel grape hyacinth
This plant can be found in rocky ground and cultivated areas, such as cornfields and vineyards. It can be seen from Europe to Iran but it naturalizes easily and may become invasive. In Italy and Greece its bulb is a culinary delicacy.
Family: Asparagaceae
Common name: Tassel hyacinth and Tassel grape hyacinth
This plant can be found in rocky ground and cultivated areas, such as cornfields and vineyards. It can be seen from Europe to Iran but it naturalizes easily and may become invasive. In Italy and Greece its bulb is a culinary delicacy.
Bellis perennis
Família: Asteraceae
Nome comum: Margarida, Bonina, Margarita, Bilorita, Margarida dobrada, Margarita
rasteira, Solda menor, vilorita
Bellis perennis é uma entre muitas espécies de margaridas. Esta espécie é nativa do
oeste, centro e norte da Europa, mas naturalizada extensamente em regiões mais
temperadas, incluindo as Américas e Australásia.
Family: Asteraceae
Common name: Common daisy, Lawn daisy or English daisy
Bellis perennis is one of the many species of "Daisies". This particular one is native to Europe, but widely naturalized in most temperate regions including the Americas and Australasia.
Family: Asteraceae
Common name: Common daisy, Lawn daisy or English daisy
Bellis perennis is one of the many species of "Daisies". This particular one is native to Europe, but widely naturalized in most temperate regions including the Americas and Australasia.
Lomelosia simplex
Pensamos que esta flor seja Lomelosia simplex...
We believe this might be Lomelosia simplex...
We believe this might be Lomelosia simplex...
...que no Outono é assim:
...that in autumn looks like this:
...that in autumn looks like this:
Família: Caprifoliaceae
Infelizmente não conseguimos
reunir informação sobre esta flor tão peculiar, mas ficam aqui estas belas imagens de uma planta que talvez nunca tenham visto.
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Unfortunately we couldn't gather information about this peculiar flower, but here are these beautiful images of a plant that maybe you've never seen.
Lavandula stoechas
Familia: Lamiaceae
Nome comum: Rosmaninho, arçã, lavândula ou
alfazema-brava, Cabeçuda
Ocorre naturalmente nos países
A espécie Lavandula stoechas é
usada comercialmente em ambientadores e insecticidas.
Espigas de flores têm
sido usadas internamente para dores de cabeça, irritabilidade, constipações e
náuseas, e externamente para feridas, dores reumáticas e como repelente de insectos.
Outras espécies de Lavandula são cultivadas
como plantas ornamentais.
Family: Lamiaceae
Common name: Lavender or Topped lavender
Native to the Mediterranean countries.
This species is used commercially in air fresheners and insecticides.
Flower spikes have been used for headache, irritability, cold, nausea and also wounds, rheumatic pain, and as an insect repellent.
Other species are grown as ornamental plants.
Family: Lamiaceae
Common name: Lavender or Topped lavender
Native to the Mediterranean countries.
This species is used commercially in air fresheners and insecticides.
Flower spikes have been used for headache, irritability, cold, nausea and also wounds, rheumatic pain, and as an insect repellent.
Other species are grown as ornamental plants.
Gladiolus italicus
Familia: Iridaceae
Nome comum: Calças-de-cuco, Cristas-de-galo, Espadana-das-searas, Gladiolo, Acoro-falso, Espadana-dos-montes, Estoque, Espadana-bulbosa
É nativa de grande parte da
Eurásia, mas é bem conhecida em outros continentes, onde é uma erva daninha
comum, especialmente de campos cultivados.
Family: Iridaceae
Common name: Italian gladiolus and Common sword-lily
Native to most Eurasia, but also well known in other continents. It can be seen especially in cultivated fields.
Family: Iridaceae
Common name: Italian gladiolus and Common sword-lily
Native to most Eurasia, but also well known in other continents. It can be seen especially in cultivated fields.
Euphorbia segetalis
Familia: Euphorbiaceae
Nome comum: Alforva-brava, Alforba-brava, Alforbia-brava
Esta planta tem uma grande familia e uma grande distribuição geográfica também. Existem muitos tipos de Euphorbias. Esta, em particular, encontra-se na região mediterrânica e na Macaronésia. Trata-se de um grupo de quatro arquipelagos no Atlantico Norte: Açores, Madeira, Ilhas Canárias e Cabo Verde.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
This plant has a big family and a wide geographical distribution as well. There are many types of Euphorbias. This particular one can be found in the Mediterranean region and Macaronesia. This is a group of four archipelagos in North Atlantic: Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde.
Esta planta tem uma grande familia e uma grande distribuição geográfica também. Existem muitos tipos de Euphorbias. Esta, em particular, encontra-se na região mediterrânica e na Macaronésia. Trata-se de um grupo de quatro arquipelagos no Atlantico Norte: Açores, Madeira, Ilhas Canárias e Cabo Verde.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
This plant has a big family and a wide geographical distribution as well. There are many types of Euphorbias. This particular one can be found in the Mediterranean region and Macaronesia. This is a group of four archipelagos in North Atlantic: Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde.
Echium vulgare
Familia: Boraginaceae
Nome comum: Lingua-de-boi,
Viboreira, Viperina, Soagem
Encontra-se na maioria da Europa e
Ásia Ocidental e Central. Também é comum na América do Norte, onde foi
introduzida, sendo até considerada como uma espécie invasora em algumas localidades.
Family: Boraginaceae
Common name: Viper's bugloss and blueweed
It can be found in most part of Europe and western and central Asia. It's also common in North America where it was introduced, being considered invasive in some areas.
Family: Boraginaceae
Common name: Viper's bugloss and blueweed
It can be found in most part of Europe and western and central Asia. It's also common in North America where it was introduced, being considered invasive in some areas.
Papaver rhoeas
Familia: Papaveraceae
Nome Comum: Papoila, Papoula, Papoila-das-searas,
Nativa da Europa, é considerada uma erva daninha agrícola.
Curiosidade: A Papoila é o símbolo do soldado caído. Durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial floresceram Papoilas entre as linhas das trincheiras e nos descampados da Frente Ocidental. Desde 1920 as Papoilas são utilizadas para comemorar o Dia do Armistício em memória dos soldados que perderam a vida na Grande Guerra. Durante o século XX este tornou-se um costume na maioria dos países ocidentais.
Family: Papaveraceae
Common name: Common poppy, Corn poppy, Corn rose, Filed poppy, Flanders poppy, Red poppy, Red weed, and Coquelicot
It's native to Europe and has an old symbolism and association with agricultural fertility.
Curiosity: The poppy is a symbol for soldiers who died in battle. During World War I, poppies bloomed in between the trench lines on the Western Front. Since 1920, poppies are used to commemorate the Armistice Day in memory of all the soldiers who lost their lives in the Great War. During the 20th century it became a tradition in most western countries.
Family: Papaveraceae
Common name: Common poppy, Corn poppy, Corn rose, Filed poppy, Flanders poppy, Red poppy, Red weed, and Coquelicot
It's native to Europe and has an old symbolism and association with agricultural fertility.
Curiosity: The poppy is a symbol for soldiers who died in battle. During World War I, poppies bloomed in between the trench lines on the Western Front. Since 1920, poppies are used to commemorate the Armistice Day in memory of all the soldiers who lost their lives in the Great War. During the 20th century it became a tradition in most western countries.
Encontrámos várias outras espécies.
Após muita mas mesmo muita pesquisa chegámos à conclusão que todas elas
pertencem à família «Não-me-perguntem-que-não-faço-ideae» :P
We found several other species, but after much research we came to the conclusion that they belong to the family "Donotaskmehavenoideae". :P
Das plantas selvagens passamos às que são plantadas e tratadas pelo ser humano. Vejam como são bonitas as flores das árvores de fruto e não só...:
From wild plants to cultivated ones. See how beautiful the flowers of the fruit trees look...
Flor da Ameixeira
Plum tree flower
Flor da Cerejeira
Cherry tree flower
Flor da Macieira
Apple tree flower
Flor do Pessegueiro
Peach tree flower
Todas elas deitam uma fragrância suave. A Magnólia é a mais cheirosa, capaz de perfumar um jardim com as suas flores delicadas. Quanto às árvores de fruto, vamos esperar que o verão traga momentos doces na hora da colheita!
Esperamos que tenham gostado deste passeio pelo campo. Caso queiram partilhar conhecimento sobre algumas destas plantas ou outras que conheçam, ficaremos muito contentes.
Aproveitem a Primavera para apreciar as pequenas coisas da vida!
Each of them has its own soft fragrance. Magnolia's smell is absolutely wonderful and it can perfume the whole garden just with those delicate petals. As for the fruit trees, we cannot wait for the summer to bring sweet moments during harvest time.
We hope you enjoyed walking through the fields with us. In case you want to share info about any of these plants or others you might know, we'll be very happy to hear from you.
So, make the most of spring and enjoy the little pleasures of life!
Each of them has its own soft fragrance. Magnolia's smell is absolutely wonderful and it can perfume the whole garden just with those delicate petals. As for the fruit trees, we cannot wait for the summer to bring sweet moments during harvest time.
We hope you enjoyed walking through the fields with us. In case you want to share info about any of these plants or others you might know, we'll be very happy to hear from you.
So, make the most of spring and enjoy the little pleasures of life!
Lovely! I wish I could find this flora in the UK. I am keen to spend spring in Portugal just to see these flowers. Thank you for bringing light into my day. Cheers!
Hi Claire! We're glad you liked it. We have indeed an interesting flora in Portugal. Usually you'll find these flowers in bloom between March and June.
EliminarWow, wunderschöne Bilder! Das sieht ja richtig schön aus.
ResponderEliminarVielen Dank Uwalls. Die Natur ist wirklich wunderschön!
EliminarDies ist der erste deutsche Kommentar in unserem Blog! :)