O Medronheiro é uma planta frutífera e ornamental nativa da região mediterrânica e Europa ocidental. Em Portugal pode ser encontrado por todo o país. E ainda bem! Este fruto do bosque para além de dar licor e aguardente de excelente qualidade também dá uma óptima compota.
Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) is both an ornamental and a fruit tree or shrub, native to the Mediterranean region and western Europe. In Portugal it can be found all over the country. Thankfully! This wild berry gives not only excellent liquor and brandy but also delicious jam.
Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) is both an ornamental and a fruit tree or shrub, native to the Mediterranean region and western Europe. In Portugal it can be found all over the country. Thankfully! This wild berry gives not only excellent liquor and brandy but also delicious jam.
O que muita gente desconhece é que as folhas do Medronheiro são utilizadas na medicina tradicional pelas suas propriedades diuréticas e anti-sépticas e a sua madeira é apreciada para fabricar carvão vegetal.
What many people don't know is that the leaves are used in traditional medicine for their diuretic and antiseptic properties and the wood is appreciated to make charcoal.
What many people don't know is that the leaves are used in traditional medicine for their diuretic and antiseptic properties and the wood is appreciated to make charcoal.
Para quem não conhece ou nunca viu Medronhos, aqui ficam imagens do fruto.
For those who have never seen or don't know Arbutus at all, here are images of the fruit.
For those who have never seen or don't know Arbutus at all, here are images of the fruit.
A época destes pequenos e deliciosos frutos está no fim, mas a compota já cá canta :)
The season of these small delicious fruits is coming to an end, but the jam is ours to keep :)
Feita no forno a lenha, confere-lhe um sabor genuíno. A cor é forte, tal como todas as cores do Outono e o sabor...uma delícia!
Wood oven gives it its genuine flavour. The colour is strong, just like every autumn colour and the taste...delicious!
Um doce raro, com personalidade e que podemos guardar para saborear nos momentos certos...
...ou simplesmente quando nos apetecer petiscar!This is a rare and exquisite sweet that you can keep to savour at the right moment...
...or simply when it feels like snacking!
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