Today we are going to share with you how we make a homemade and natural remedy to relieve muscle pain. It is a balm that is very simple to make, made of all-natural ingredients, and whose active principles are oils and plants easy to find. We will talk about the ingredients one by one, how to apply, how to store, contraindications and other precautions of use. Watch our educational video at the end of the post.
Let's get to know the ingredients and see how this balm is made.
- 3g Coconut Oil
- 8g Grapeseed Oil
- 10g Jojoba Oil
- 20g St. John's wort macerated in olive oil (See in this post how to make a maceration)
- 7g Beeswax
- 15 drops Vitamin E
- 10 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
- 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
- 10 drops Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil
- 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
These amounts will give you about 50g of balm.
Why These Ingredients
Lavender Essential Oil. Another plant with 1001 benefits for skin lesions. Relieves and treats wounds and burns, and has excellent therapeutic qualities in relieving physical and emotional pain.
How To Do It
- On a digital scale, place a heat-resistant container.
- Weight the oils and beeswax (one at a time, always setting the tare to zero).
- Place the container in a bain-marie until the fats melt.
- Remove from bain-marie, add vitamin E and essential oils.
- Stir to mix well all ingredients.
- Pour into a previously sterilized jar.
- Let it cool down.
- Cover only after it is cool.
Store in a cool dark place.
It can be stored for up to 1 year or until the oils expiry date. If the validity of any of the ingredients expires within 6 months, this will be the validity of the balm.
Important Notes and Contraindications
St. John's wort
- The use of St. John's wort oil requires special attention, as it causes photosensitivity, so its application should only be done at night or during the day if you won't be exposed to the sun afterwards.
- It is important to know that St. John's wort cuts the pill's effect and also interferes with several other medications, so it should not be applied without prior advice.
Essential Oils
- Essential oils should not be used directly on the skin. They must always be diluted in vegetable oils before application.
- Special attention for those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, and epilepsy. Essential oils of eucalyptus and rosemary are not suitable for these health conditions. Alternatively, you can add 20 drops of lavender and 20 drops of peppermint. However, it is advisable to consult with an aromatherapist or naturopath to find out which essential oils can be used in each specific case.
- When applying it, avoid contact with the eyes and nasal mucous membranes.
- Avoid applying to pregnant women and children.
- When making homemade products, even though all the ingredients are natural, it is important that each person checks beforehand if they are allergic to any of the components. Homemade recipes can be changed according to the needs of each individual.
So, in a simple and quick way, we have another homemade and natural product to use in self-care.
Plants and their properties are fascinating in fact. To know them and want to learn more about them is to enter an endless world that appeals to all the senses. It is taking care of ourselves, of others, and of our admirable world. Until the next post...enjoy Nature!
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Video - Homemade & Natural Remedy For Muscle Pain

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