Finalmente chegou a época de
apanhar a azeitona. Tal como todas as outras culturas, esta também veio
atrasada este ano. Num ano normal tê-la-íamos apanhado em meados de Outubro,
mas o tempo ditou que só apanhássemos quase um mês depois. Ainda assim, por causa da floração e
maturação tardias, muita da azeitona ainda está verde. No entanto, não vale a
pena esperar pois o que não amadureceu até agora também já não vai amadurecer
mais e, antes que as azeitonas maduras caíssem, pusemos mãos à obra.
As oliveiras antigas
desenvolvem-se muito rápido. De um ano para o outro já têm ramos a mais e
«filhos» a mais. Para terem uma ideia, aqui mostramos como elas estavam antes
da apanha. Pareciam mais arbustos do que árvores.
It's olive harvest time finally. Like every other crop, olive harvest has also been delayed this year. In a normal year we would have picked olives in mid-October, but weather only allowed us to do it one month later. Still, much of the olives are still green because of the late flowering and ripening. It's not worth waiting much longer. What has not matured so far will not mature any longer and, before ripe olives fall, we set to work.
Ancient olive trees grow very fast. From one year to the next, they get extra branches and shoots. For you to have an idea, here we show what they looked like before the harvest. They looked more like bushes instead of trees.
It's olive harvest time finally. Like every other crop, olive harvest has also been delayed this year. In a normal year we would have picked olives in mid-October, but weather only allowed us to do it one month later. Still, much of the olives are still green because of the late flowering and ripening. It's not worth waiting much longer. What has not matured so far will not mature any longer and, before ripe olives fall, we set to work.
Ancient olive trees grow very fast. From one year to the next, they get extra branches and shoots. For you to have an idea, here we show what they looked like before the harvest. They looked more like bushes instead of trees.
Assim, a primeira coisa a fazer é
cortar os «filhos» e ramos grossos que estão à volta da árvore mãe para
desimpedir a circulação. Alguns já estão tão largos que é necessário cortar com
a moto-serra.
So, the first thing to do is to cut the shoots and thick branches that are around the main tree to free up space. Some branches are already so large that it's necessary to cut with a chain saw.
So, the first thing to do is to cut the shoots and thick branches that are around the main tree to free up space. Some branches are already so large that it's necessary to cut with a chain saw.
Com o caminho livre já se pode
estender o pano à volta da árvore. De seguida cortam-se os ramos em excesso e
também os que estão a fazer a árvore ficar muito alta.
With the free path we can already spread the cloth around the tree. Then we cut the excess branches and also the ones that are making the tree very tall.
With the free path we can already spread the cloth around the tree. Then we cut the excess branches and also the ones that are making the tree very tall.
As oliveiras querem-se baixas e
largas para facilitar a apanha. Algumas já não deviam ser cortadas há algumas
décadas e estavam com altura a mais.
Nesta imagem podem ver uma árvore semi-cortada. A parte mais a cima era a altura que tinha e a parte mais a baixo é a altura com que ficou. Dá muito trabalho mas fica bem mais acessível. Aos ramos cortados retira-se a azeitona e depois servem para fazer lenha.
Olive trees should be low and wide for easy picking. Some of ours must not have been cut for a few decades and they were just too tall.
In this image you can see a semi-cut tree. The top part was the height it had and the bottom part is the height it stayed with after the cut. It's a lot of work but it makes the tree more accessible. Olives are also removed from cut branches, which will be used as firewood.
Nesta imagem podem ver uma árvore semi-cortada. A parte mais a cima era a altura que tinha e a parte mais a baixo é a altura com que ficou. Dá muito trabalho mas fica bem mais acessível. Aos ramos cortados retira-se a azeitona e depois servem para fazer lenha.
Olive trees should be low and wide for easy picking. Some of ours must not have been cut for a few decades and they were just too tall.
In this image you can see a semi-cut tree. The top part was the height it had and the bottom part is the height it stayed with after the cut. It's a lot of work but it makes the tree more accessible. Olives are also removed from cut branches, which will be used as firewood.
Há várias formas de apanhar a
azeitona, das mais simples às mais sofisticadas. Tudo depende de quanto cada um
está disposto a gastar. Sendo que a vida não está para grandes gastos e o
material agrícola é caro, colhemos a azeitona manualmente com um ripador.
There are several ways of picking olives, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. It all depends on how much each one is willing to spend. This is no time for big expenses and farming tools are expensive, so we harvest the olives manually with an olive rake.
There are several ways of picking olives, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. It all depends on how much each one is willing to spend. This is no time for big expenses and farming tools are expensive, so we harvest the olives manually with an olive rake.
Apesar de o tempo não ter
ajudado, as azeitonas estão bonitas. Têm várias cores devido ás diferentes
fases de amadurecimento.
Although the weather has not helped, the olives are beautiful. They have various colours due to the different ripening stages.
Although the weather has not helped, the olives are beautiful. They have various colours due to the different ripening stages.
As árvores estão tão carregadas
que alguns ramos mais parecem ter cachos de uvas.
Trees are so loaded that some branches seem to have bunches of grapes.
Trees are so loaded that some branches seem to have bunches of grapes.
Apesar dos cortes, algumas partes
das árvores só estão acessíveis por escada ou então trepando pelo tronco a
cima. O mais engraçado de subir às árvores é o facto de fazer lembrar as brincadeiras da infância J
Despite the cuts, some parts of these trees are accessible only by ladder or by climbing up the trunk. The funniest thing about climbing trees is that it reminds of childhood games J
Despite the cuts, some parts of these trees are accessible only by ladder or by climbing up the trunk. The funniest thing about climbing trees is that it reminds of childhood games J
E por falar em brincadeiras,
ainda não vos tínhamos dado a conhecer o nosso companheiro de horta!
And speaking of games, we had not yet introduced to you our garden companion!
And speaking of games, we had not yet introduced to you our garden companion!
Este cusquinho patudo pertence a
um vizinho, mas cada vez que nos vê na horta aí vem ele a correr todo contente
fazer a «inspecção do trabalho agrícola» J
Na verdade, o que ele quer é mimo e brincadeira. É giro tê-lo por perto, mas
por outro lado, acaba por ser uma distracção. Fica eufórico ao ver as azeitonas
a cair no pano. Para ele não passa de uma chuva de bolinhas coloridas!
Assim sendo, um conselho para
quem anda na horta: se tiverem muito trabalho e pouco tempo disponível, o
melhor é prenderem os vossos animais de estimação para não terem distracções.
No nosso caso não temos escolha porque este «exímio inspector» anda totalmente
livre pelo campo e não nos larga. Mas
também traz alegria ao nosso dia J
This little snooper belongs to a neighbor, but everytime he sees us in the garden, he comes running happily to do the "farm work inspection". In fact, he just wants to play. It's nice to have him around, but on the other hand it turns out to be a distraction. He's euphoric to see the olives falling on the cloth. For him is just a shower of colourful balls!
Therefore, here's an advice for those who do farming: if you have a lot of work and little time available, it's best not to let your pets out or they will be a distraction to you. In our case, we have no choice because this "skilled inspector" is totally free in the field and does not leave us. Although, we must say, he brings joy into our day J
This little snooper belongs to a neighbor, but everytime he sees us in the garden, he comes running happily to do the "farm work inspection". In fact, he just wants to play. It's nice to have him around, but on the other hand it turns out to be a distraction. He's euphoric to see the olives falling on the cloth. For him is just a shower of colourful balls!
Therefore, here's an advice for those who do farming: if you have a lot of work and little time available, it's best not to let your pets out or they will be a distraction to you. In our case, we have no choice because this "skilled inspector" is totally free in the field and does not leave us. Although, we must say, he brings joy into our day J
Voltando ao trabalho...é bom ver o pano a ficar cheio de
Getting back to work...its' so good to see the cloth getting full of olives.
No entanto, ao terminar cada
árvore, o pano também acumula muitas folhas e galhos.
However, after finishing the job on each tree, the cloth also accumulates many leaves and branches.
However, after finishing the job on each tree, the cloth also accumulates many leaves and branches.
As azeitonas passam do pano para o saco provisório apenas
para serem transportadas até ao local onde efectuamos a limpeza.
We pass the olives from the cloth to a temporary bag only to carry them to the place where we'll clean them.
We pass the olives from the cloth to a temporary bag only to carry them to the place where we'll clean them.
Tal como todas as máquinas
agrícolas, o limpador automático de azeitona também não é propriamente
acessível, pelo que com alguma imaginação é possível inventar algo para limpar
a azeitona mais rapidamente.
Just like all farming machines, the automatic olive cleaner is also not really affordable, so with some imagination it is possible to create something to clean olives faster.
Just like all farming machines, the automatic olive cleaner is also not really affordable, so with some imagination it is possible to create something to clean olives faster.
Com algumas madeiras e tubos
fizemos este limpador manual. Grande parte das folhas e galhos caem nos espaços
entre os tubos. Embora, seja necessário limpar algumas à mão, é uma grande
ajuda para fazer o trabalho mais rápido.
With some woods and pipes we made this cleaner. Most leaves and branches fall into the spaces between the tubes. Although it's still necessary to clean some by hand, it's a great help to get the job done faster.
With some woods and pipes we made this cleaner. Most leaves and branches fall into the spaces between the tubes. Although it's still necessary to clean some by hand, it's a great help to get the job done faster.
Depois de limpar coloca-se no
saco definitivo. Pesa-se, fecha-se bem e está pronto para seguir para o lagar.
After cleaning, olives are placed in the final bag. We weight and close well the bags and they're ready to go the oil press.
After cleaning, olives are placed in the final bag. We weight and close well the bags and they're ready to go the oil press.
Depois de uma semana de trabalho
árduo, colhemos cerca de 385 kgs o que já dá para o lagar fazer azeite sem misturar a nossa
azeitona com a de outras pessoas.
After a week of hard work, we gathered about 385kgs of olives, which is enough for the oil press to make olive oil without mixing our oilves with other people's.
After a week of hard work, we gathered about 385kgs of olives, which is enough for the oil press to make olive oil without mixing our oilves with other people's.
Agora é esperar que o azeite
fique pronto e fazer a prova (esta é sempre a melhor parte). O azeite não é
igual de ano para ano. O clima acaba por ditar a sua cor, sabor e grau de
acidez. É sempre uma incógnita. Resta-nos esperar pelo resultado.
No próximo post daremos novidades
sobre o azeite.
Now we wait for olive oil to be ready and to taste it (this is always the best part). Olive oil does not taste the same every year. The climate dictates its colour, taste and degree of acidity. It's always a mystery. We have to wait for the outcome.
Next post we'll bring news about the olive oil.
Now we wait for olive oil to be ready and to taste it (this is always the best part). Olive oil does not taste the same every year. The climate dictates its colour, taste and degree of acidity. It's always a mystery. We have to wait for the outcome.
Next post we'll bring news about the olive oil.
Adorei as cores das azeitonas...que belo azeite puro e sem misturas se deve extrair! Excelente trabalho! De volta à pureza e ao original e saudável do campo! Adorei!
ResponderEliminarOlá Marcelo. O azeite é, de facto, puro, saudável e muito aromático!
EliminarPena não dar mais do que uma vez por ano :(